
Why do people use the word mojo in threads
Why do people use the word mojo in threads

why do people use the word mojo in threads

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  • why do people use the word mojo in threads


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  • We need to sear anti-blackness into our collective consciousness, so as to put an end to the mistakes of the past and the present, which have brought so much misery to so many people. Ultimately, it is crucial to call out the most toxic brand of racism. As a precursor, there needs to be buy-in from governments, regional bodies, international organisations, academia and the global black civil society. This could cover caricatures, stereotypes, disparagement, the perception of black populated countries and the trivialisation of transatlantic slavery. Furthermore, in white-dominant societies, blackness has come to be a synonym for crime, laziness, poverty and low intelligence.Ī key step in bringing anti-blackness to the forefront is by developing a working definition. The one-size-fits-all approach to tackling racism leaves undersupported the racial group which suffers the most brutality, hatred and discrimination. We’re currently in the middle of the UN International Decade for People of African Descent, so it is an appropriate time for anti-blackness to be classified separately from racism and given its own prominence. The political class does not grasp its toxicity. In the US, they are called “nigger”, in Brazil they are termed macaco in South Africa, they are nicknamed kaffir in India, band ar in China hak gwai.Įven though there is a dictionary definition of anti-blackness, it hasn’t yet gained much traction. In her book White Fragility, Robin DiAngelo notes that black people are the “ultimate racial other”. In fact the Arabic word abeed, which means “slave”, is still used to describe black people in countries from Algeria to Yemen. And after slavery ended in the US, African Americans were subjected to segregation laws, the denial of civil rights and lynching.Īnd between AD 650 and the 1800s, almost 10 million Africans were sold by Arab slave traders to Arabia and the Indian subcontinent. Millions more were born into slavery and spent their whole lives enslaved. From the 16th to the 19th century, around 12 million Africans were transported across the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas by European slave traders. Historically, though slavery covered a range of civilisations, countries and races, for the black race its legacy lives on. During the apartheid era there was a clear racial hierarchy: whites at the top, Indians and “coloureds” in the middle, and black people at the bottom. In South Africa, a majority black country, 72% of the country’s private farmland is owned by white people, who make up 9% of the population. In today’s Brazil, black people are still treated as second-class citizens while in India, students of African origin are persecuted. They also have a higher chance of getting shot by the police than white or Hispanic people. In the US, black people are more likely to be arrested for drugs offences even though they are not more likely to use or sell drugs, and as a result make up a disproportionate amount of the prison population. Black Caribbean pupils were permanently excluded at nearly three times the rate of white British pupils, while black people are more likely to be unemployed and homeless than all other racial minority groups. Between 20, black people in Britain were approximately 10 times more likely to be stopped and searched by the police than white people were, and three times more likely than Asians. Look at the figures: according to the UK government’s race disparity audit, relative to whites and Asians, black defendants at crown court were the most likely to be remanded in custody. In Brazil, black people are still treated as second class citizens in India, students of African origin are persecuted Yet, historically, it’s black people who have most often found themselves at the bottom of the pile.

    why do people use the word mojo in threads

    To be clear, all these strands of racism are significant, and we need to work to eradicate them all. There is anti-black racism, anti-Asian racism (which affects east Asians and south Asians differently), anti-Arab racism, even sometimes anti-white racism. However, this generalist approach fails to account for the varied ways that racism affects different races. T here is a tendency to classify all victims of racism under the label “people of colour” or “ black, Asian and minority ethnic” people (shortened to BAME).

    Why do people use the word mojo in threads